The first thing that happened to me was Mom put me in a crate, and said goodbye. Mom told me I was going to fly on a plane to San Francisco where my Other Mom, OM, would pick me up. But, I didn't like the crate and complained about it a lot.
Here I am in my crate, very nervous. |
I don't like plane rides in crates at all, so I was very happy when OM opened the door and I could jump in the back of the Mini. I didn't really care where we were going, just as long as I was away from that plane and crate.
Here I am checking out the new sights.
When we got to my new home, my Other Mom introduced me to Jagger and we went on a walk. Jagger peed a lot more than I did, so we stopped a lot. That gave me some time to smell my new neighborhood. There's also cats in my new home and they growl at me a lot. I'm going to get them to like me though because how can you not like me, Bebop?
I've been showing my Other Mom how well I listen. Here I am sitting for her when she told me to. |
Well, it was a busy first day in San Francisco. I'm a little nervous, but can you blame me? I really miss my family, especially my bff Enoch, but my Other Mom is taking good care of me.
So glad you made it safely, sweet Bebop. What a big day for you and I know how nervous you were feeling, but look who was waiting for you in the other end! You are going to have so many adventures in beautiful S.F.!